Exploring School Consolidation

Jefferson/Fort Howard Consolidation Update

Efforts are underway to ensure a smooth transition for Jefferson Elementary students, staff and families to Fort Howard Elementary. Principals from Jefferson and Fort Howard have developed an outline of various opportunities to connect the staff, students and families throughout the school year.

Human Resources is developing a plan to determine how to support staff during the transition. 

Communication plans are being developed to ensure Jefferson Elementary parents are aware of the intra-district transfer window and DPI’s open enrollment window, should they wish to choose another school for their child(ren).

Facilities will be working with principals to develop a plan to ensure learning spaces are ready for students in September 2020. Technology is working in coordination with the Facilities Department to make sure the technology needs for both staff and students are met.

Board Votes to Combine Jefferson and Fort Howard

The Green Bay Area Public School District’s Board of Education voted to approve the consolidation of Jefferson Elementary School with Fort Howard Elementary School on October 28, 2019. Starting with the 2020-21 school year, students who live in the Jefferson attendance area will attend Fort Howard Elementary School for 5K-5th grades.

The consolidation addresses declining enrollment at the two west side schools, and results in the District capturing financial resources that can be reinvested for student needs in the District. The District will be repurposing Jefferson School to be the westside Head Start Learning Center. This past spring, the District received a $2.9 million grant, which provides funds for renovating an existing facility, and supports staffing and operation costs to expand all day 4-year-old Head Start to the west side of the school district.

District and school administration will begin the work of organizing a community transition team, composed of school leadership, parents, community stakeholders, and partners, who will have the opportunity to provide feedback on important decisions. The team’s charge is to build partnerships with key stakeholders, engage the larger community, connect resources; and help ensure a seamless transition for students, parents and staff.

Exploring School Consolidation

On July 11, the Board of Education held a retreat to discuss Redesign 2020, an effort that continues the work begun in 2016 to address inequities in enrollment and facilities across the District. The Board of Education reviewed school capacities, enrollments and projections as well as the results of the Facilities Survey conducted in the Spring of 2019. Through a facilitated discussion, the Board of Education brainstormed around a series of potential solutions. The result of the discussion was an agreed upon list of ideas for District administration to further research and bring back the information to the Board in early fall.

Prior to the Facilities Survey being sent out last spring, the Board of Education discussed solutions they were willing to consider. Recognizing the under capacity at several west side schools, there was discussion regarding school consolidation. The Board was very clear that while they were willing to explore consolidation, there was no interest in closing a school, instead the building would need to be repurposed for other needs in the District. 

Jefferson Elementary was discussed as one school to consider consolidating with neighboring schools and to repurpose. On September 30 and October 1, parent meetings were held at Jefferson Elementary School to provide background, discuss enrollment numbers and provide an opportunity for parents to give feedback to the Board of Education. 

September 30 & October 1 Presentation

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