Advisory Committee on Clean Energy

The committee’s purpose is to serve in an advisory role to the Board of Education regarding the Clean Energy Resolution passed by the Board of Education in 2020 to effect the following goals:

  1. Develop a long-term plan of energy sustainability and clean energy, possibly including standards for clean energy use, energy and water efficiency, recycling, and clean energy projects, to present to the Board;
  2. Review the District’s Wellness Policy to consider inclusion of the effects of climate on staff and students health;
  3. Establish goals to guide District operations’ energy needs with carbon-neutral energy goal, as measured by the carbon footprint, on this schedule:
    • 50% carbon neutral by 2035
    • 75% carbon neutral by 2040
    • 100% carbon neutral by 2050
  4. Invest in future clean energy efficiency projects.

The committee will propose, by December 30, 2024, an initial plan for meeting the 2035 goal and will monitor progress and recommend changes throughout the plan’s implementation.  


  • The committee has no expressed power or authority, rather it is an advisory committee.
  • Following each committee meeting, the committee shall report publicly at the subsequent Board meeting. 
  • Review, discuss and respond to reports provided by designated staff regarding the four main goals:
    • Standards for sustainability, clean energy and carbon neutrality in facilities planning and operation;
    • Possible effects of climate and student health
    • Progress toward carbon neutrality goals for 2035, 2040, and 2050
    • Recommendation for investments toward clean energy improvement
    • Identify and recommend community resources, partnerships and funding to support
    • District efforts toward carbon neutrality.
    • Identify ways to elicit community feedback and make recommendations to the Board.

 Timeline & Meetings

  • This is a standing committee, intended to continue work indefinitely as needed.
  • The committee will create its own schedule, and will meet at least in alternating months, but may meet more often per consensus.
  • Meeting times will accommodate the schedule of the designated staff person.
  • All meetings will be noticed and open to the public. 

 Clean Energy Advisory Committee Meeting Date

  • The next Clean Energy Advisory Committee meeting is to be determined.
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